“Wet Drone” by John

original lyrics, vocals: John Hall

original music arrangement/guitar: Zohar

VST bass, drums, keyboard, saxophone,
glockenspiel, mixing/master: Colin Malakie

This release began as a recording in Listen Up Studio’s Blue Room in August of 2018, and was a collaboration featuring John’s original lyrics, and Zohar’s original guitar arrangement. In 2021, John continued to collaborate to complete this song recording, and through arrangements arrived at in Zoom sessions, worked with Colin, who added VST midi instruments to complete the song recording, and mixed/mastered the final that is being posted here.

In the words of John:

“When a drone flies over the ocean, and it gets too close, it will get wet by the splashing of the waves. That’s what I was thinking about when I was writing this song. I wrote the lyrics and sang the vocals. Zohar wrote the music and played his guitar, and Colin added saxophone, bass, drums, keyboard and glockenspiel. I put H2O in the drone. That’s what made it a “wet” drone.
I look forward to working with Zohar and Colin again, and I hope everybody enjoys what I put on Soundcloud. I would like to sing this song live with a band !”